College and Career Fair Day

On September 28th, three buses were packed to the brim with eager juniors and seniors — ready to travel to Westminster College in New Wilmington for the College Fair. Colleges, trades schools, and military recruiters came from near and far to give a quick pitch helping students plan for their post-secondary lives.

This year, students had a challenge to tackle — a scavenger hunt to find names of colleges/schools/branches from US Armed Forces, cards from recruiters, and types of interesting programs, and to gather accompanying literature to gather for future consideration. Each LCCTC student needed to compose a reflection piece to be placed in their portfolios as a Career Readiness Artifact.

On this day, the gymnasium at Westminster College was filled with students from all over the county, but all in all, it was a good day. Students had the chance to consider life beyond high school, and recruiters were able to begin the networking process to draw in students. The fact that it was great to be outside of school on such a beautiful day wasn’t too bad, either!