One Pint Saves Three Lives

by Brandon Bright, HA junior

On September 27th, the Health Assistant shop sponsored the Central Blood Bank in the first blood drive of the year at Lawrence County Career and Technical Center (LCCTC).

Students over the age of 16 with a parental consent form and staff members could donate to the great cause and save lives. Mr. Pavia and Ms. O’Donnell shop instructor, have trained students the skills to assist Central Blood Bank with pre and post donations.  Students learn valuable skills from proper registration to post vital signs.

Lasting all day long, the blood drive served a total of 60 participants from the LCCTC community. So what is the impact?  Each pint of blood can save up to three people, so if the blood drive collected 60 pints of blood, you do the math: We are able to save up to 180 lives!

Katie Dillen, HA Senior reflects, “Seeing the number of students and staff members come through registration, willing to donate, is an amazing feeling.”

Giving blood is more than getting poked with a needle. According to Red Cross statistics, in the U.S alone, 5 million people would die without a life-saving blood transfusion. Approximately 44,000 pints of blood are used each day in the U.S alone -- that’s a lot of blood!  Considering that the average adult has 10 pints of blood in his or her body, the average donation is roughly 1 pint. Across the nation, the number of blood transfusions increase by 9% each year, which mean mores people are needed each day for life saving blood donations. In the U.S, 38% of the population is eligible to donate, but only 5% of the eligible donors actually donate; considering that we have roughly around 450 people who might give blood, and 60 donated, our LCCTC family beats that national statistic!

Mr. Pavia, HA shop instructor stated, “It was truly amazing to see how many people are willing to donate their blood to a complete stranger. The U.S is experiencing a large blood shortage; each donation really makes a difference.”

Ms. Price, Restaurant trades instructor says, “Just consider that each pint goes to aid three different people. I was once a burn victim, but thankfully, I never needed a blood transfusion.  Knowing the blood I was donating could help save other burn victims was truly an amazing feeling.”

Adam Georgia, Construction Trades junior, “I felt pretty tired after I donated, but the blood is being used for something good, to help others in need, and I can rest easy knowing I helped.”

LCCTC plans to repeat this event in January of 2018. On behalf of the Central Blood Bank and the teachers and students from Health Assistant, we thank everyone who came out and donated to this great cause.