Spotlight: Mr. Dudich, Head Custodian

by Cody Marks, EO junior

When I think of Lawrence Career and Technical Center legends, the first name that comes to mind is my former boss, George Dudich. A quiet man, most do not know much about him; I didn’t know that much either until I worked for him. After working with George I realized there is a lot more than meets the eye.

For over 34 years, Mr. Dudich has been a part of LCCTC in one way or another. In the mid 1980’s when the school was called Lawrence County Area Vocational Technical School, George was a student here in the masonry shop with Mr. Felix Sperdute, the father of the late masonry teacher Gary Sperdute. George was a smart, hard-working student for Mr. Sperdute for 3 years before graduating in 1986, though it didn’t take long after his senior year for George to return to his alma mater, LCCTC.

Soon after, Mr. Dudich got a job as a custodian here at the school. Working in the maintenance department requires a person to do many different jobs including cleaning floors, classrooms, landscaping, painting, and so much more. He started out as the lowest guy on the totem pole, but after fifteen years of hard work and keeping our school looking great, Mr. Dudich accepted the position as Head Custodian. If you were to ask any of his co-workers, they would all agree:  being the boss did not change him one bit; he was still the same smart, hard working guy he was before.

George is a family man as well, living his life for his wife and two children. He works two jobs, the other being at Home Depot, to support his family. He takes his family on vacation once or twice a year and makes sure they have anything they could ever need. Mr. Dudich is extremely selfless and this is just one of many reasons George is such a great man.

My personal experience working for George was amazing. I was actually excited every morning to wake up and go to work. He taught me how to be professional, how to be mature in the workforce. George was a very kind boss, but at the same time was authoritative. He is a very simple man: do your job, be respectful, and he will respect you in return. It was a honor for me to be employed by such an outstanding boss. Mr. Dudich is truly a LCCTC legend.