Partners in Education: Thank You, OAC

by The Eagle Staff

WHAT IS OAC? The main purpose of an Occupational Advisory Committee (OAC) is to strengthen the career and technical education program of a school by making recommendations for program improvement and providing technical assistance to assure the most up-to-date curriculum content, appropriate applications of technology, and the implementation of new teaching strategies.

WHAT DOES THE OAC DO? These all-important advisory committee members serve to connect CTE programs with business and industry providing invaluable insights that help ensure that our instructors prepare students to be job-ready-day-one. OAC members provide advice about curricula content, training techniques and equipment. They lead our instructors toward the training and equipment currently used in business and industry and inform the school of changes in the area’s labor market. Networking partnerships are established for job shadowing internships and cooperative work experience. Most importantly, they become advocates for career and technical education within the community.

HOW CAN I JOIN? We welcome new partners in industry to join our OAC committee; if you would like more information, please call us at (724) 658-3583 ext 7100. We’ll be happy to have you join us!

A FURTHER THANK YOU: Also — whenever the opportunity arises, we encourage friends of LCCTC to patronize the following businesses who have partnered with us to serve on the Occupational Advisory Committee:

Once again, thank you OAC!