Peer Leadership Presents ... "Give a Christmas!"

By the Eagle Staff

Give a Christmas is a new project sponsored by Peer Leadership.  This is a local drive to assist the Guidance Department in their donation of gift cards at Christmas. 

Give A Christmas is being spearheaded by Candace Hammond (RT) along with the help of various other Peer Leaders including Nick Neupauer (O&G) and  Rich Nesbitt (EO/Co-op). 

To kick off the event, on November 20th, Peer Leadership will host a Pie Eating Contest, Pie Throwing Contest (students throw at staff), Tricycle Races and a T-shirt Decorating Contest.

Pie Eating:  Students will be eating pies (flavor to be determined).  The fastest to eat all of the pie — no crumbs remaining — will be the winner and go home with a prize.  Each shop is asked to sign up a student to participate.

Pie Throwing:  Students will purchase a ticket for $1.00 to throw a pie at their favorite teacher.  Will YOUR teacher be in the contest? Ask them! The more the merrier! Mr. Cole and Mr. Kelly have made a target for teachers’ faces.  Teachers — we hope you like whipped cream!

Tri-Cycle Races:  Students from each shop racing to be the Tricycle Champion of LCCTC.  Make sure you sign up to participate. 

T-shirt Contest: Please complete the form below and return with payment to Mrs. Pasterik, Room 122 by November 9.   Delivery prior to Thanksgiving break during B week lunches.  Students will be encouraged to wear them on November 20th. Here is the plan for the t-shirts.  You can either wear the shirt and support a great cause or you can wear the shirt and enter the shirt decorating contest.  You can decorate your Christmas tree — on your shirt, obviously; it must be school appropriate. Judging will take place on November 20th. For more details including the rubric and rules of the contest, buy a shirt. The Peer Leaders will distribute additional information with your shirt delivery.

We want to have a good time to lift the spirits of all of us as we enter into a sometimes overly-hectic holiday season AND be able to raise a little money for a worthy cause!

In advance, Mrs. Pasterik, Mr. Ovial, and Candace Hammond (Give a Christmas Chairperson) would like to thank you for all your support in helping the Peer Leaders be successful in their service to our school.