3rd Annual Jeri Palumbo Run: Color Splash 2018

~ by Maggie Richards: Health Assistant, 2018

May 30th was a bright day, but it was from more than just the happy sun. This year, sponsored by The Future is Mine Club. LCCTC hosted its 3rd Jeri Palumbo Run in honor of the late Jeri Palumbo, 42-year teacher, and though the past few years the annual run was a simple “race.” This year, TFiM gave us a chance to "Color the Runners" and made it a “Color Run.” 

We had runners and walkers. Many of the teachers participated as well as Mr. Pavia’s beloved dog, George the goldendoodle. Mr. Milanovich was more than happy to watch his students enjoy themselves in the 84 degree heat.Altogether, there were over 60 participants.

The Future is Mine club charged $5 to just run or $7 to get a shirt. All proceeds from the Color Run will be donated to LCCTC to help lower the cost of Dual-Enrollment classes. The students who did not wish to participate in the run were encouraged to buy pouches of colored powder for $2 each to throw at the runners.

Earlier this month, TFIM held a sweatpants day raising $60 for the initial purchase of the color powder, and they thank everyone who donated and participated.  Although, at the end of the race, Dylan Janiel was in first place, he turned around for some unknown reason, so here are the results from the 3rd Annual Jeri Palumbo Color Run:

  • 3rd place goes to Waddell Vogan 11th grade, RT (New Castle)
  • 2nd place goes to Alan Petrangeli 11th Grade COT (New Castle)
  • 1st Place goes to Matthew Fuller 11th Grade Welding (New Castle)

Great job LCCTC winners and participants, but most of all, great job TFiM -- for all you do around the school all year long! So many had so much fun! We hope to do it again!