Shop Games 2018

~ by Tristyn Gravatt:  Commercial Arts, 2018

On Friday, May 25th, more than 150 of LCCTC’s students participated in a series of six games including a 3 legged race and an audience scavenger hunt. Even though the Shop Games were held at the end of May, it began being put together by a group of Peer Leadership students at the beginning of March. After multiple meetings on listing different games, voting on which ones will be executed, the rules that follow, and much more, they finally came up with a list of six fun and group-oriented games.

Sign up sheets were posted in the shops March 5th. For a month and a half students got ready. Some shops practiced, others made t-shirts, and most talked about winning, but all of the shops anticipated having fun. The games are meant to have fun and bring everyone together, and that’s exactly what the games did. Teams cheered each other on and we saw a ton a smiles that day. 

Vince Pavia, Advisor of 2nd place team, Health Assistance stated “ I think it went really well. It was well put together, and I’ve never seen so many students participate and take it seriously.” 

His student participants continued, “It was so much fun, and we can’t wait until next year!” 

One of the new “twists” we put on the games this year was shop teachers were paired up with a team that wasn’t theirs. “It was weird to not coach my own team this year,” said George Petronelis, Advisor of the 1st place winning shop, Welding.  He continued, “but we had a blast and all the kids had fun.”

At the end of the games we announced 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. 

“And the first place winners of the 2018 Shop Games……… with a score of 161 points……...and the winner of the pizza party is….” 

Then, we all waited to see who won. For the first time in my high school career, you could hear the ENTIRE school be quiet, not a whisper or even the ding of a phone came from the crowd. 


Screams came from the bleachers and the winning team ran to the middle of the gym to claim their trophy. Devin Dilling (junior Welding from Ellwood City), participant of the winning team, grinned from ear to ear, “I’d say it was a pretty good day.”

“We can’t wait for next year” -Participants of games

2018 Shop Game Stats

3 LEGGED RACE:1st - 14 pts. Mas-AB 2nd - 13pts. AT 3rd - 12pts. MTT-EO / Wel. 4th - 10pts. CT 5th - 9pts. HA / Cosmo / Vet 6th. - 7pts. CA-COT-RT


1st - 14 pts. Mas-AB
2nd - 13pts. AT
3rd - 12pts. MTT-EO / Wel. 
4th - 10pts. CT
5th - 9pts. HA / Cosmo / Vet
6th. - 7pts. CA-COT-RT

PAPERCLIP SQUATS:1st - 11 pts. Mas-AB2nd - 10 pts. CT3rd - 9 pts. AT / HA4th - 8 pts. Weld5th - 7 pts. MTT-EO6th - 6 pts. Vet / CA-COT-RT7th - 4 pts. Cosmo


1st - 11 pts. Mas-AB
2nd - 10 pts. CT
3rd - 9 pts. AT / HA
4th - 8 pts. Weld
5th - 7 pts. MTT-EO
6th - 6 pts. Vet / CA-COT-RT
7th - 4 pts. Cosmo

SCAVENGER HUNT10 points all teams


10 points all teams

HULA HOOP PASS1st - 69 pts. AT / AB-Mas2nd - 67 pts. Vet3rd - 66 pts. Weld4th - 64 pts. HA5th - 57 pts. MTT-EO6th - 55 pts. CT7th - 42 pts. CA-COT-RT8th - 29 pts. Cosmo


1st - 69 pts. AT / AB-Mas
2nd - 67 pts. Vet
3rd - 66 pts. Weld
4th - 64 pts. HA
5th - 57 pts. MTT-EO
6th - 55 pts. CT
7th - 42 pts. CA-COT-RT
8th - 29 pts. Cosmo

SACK RACE1st - 18 pts. MTT-EO2nd - 16 pts. AT3rd - 15 pts. CT /Wel /Mas-AB4th - 13 pts. CA-COT-RT5th - 12 pts. Cosmo / HA6th - 11 pts. Vet


1st - 18 pts. MTT-EO
2nd - 16 pts. AT
3rd - 15 pts. CT /Wel /Mas-AB
4th - 13 pts. CA-COT-RT
5th - 12 pts. Cosmo / HA
6th - 11 pts. Vet

PING PONG WIGGLE1st - 50 pts. Weld / HA 2nd - 40 pts. CA-COT-RT / MTT-EO3rd - 30 pts. Cosmo / AT4th - 20 pts. Mas-AB / Vet5th - 10 pts. CT


1st - 50 pts. Weld / HA
2nd - 40 pts. CA-COT-RT / MTT-EO
3rd - 30 pts. Cosmo / AT
4th - 20 pts. Mas-AB / Vet
5th - 10 pts. CT

FINAL SCORES:1st - 161 pts. Weld 2nd - 154 pts. HA 3rd - 147 pts. AT 4th - 144 pts. MTT-EO 5th - 139 pts. Mas-AB 6th - 123 pts. Vet 7th - 118 pts. CA-COT-RT 8th - 110 pts. CT 9th - 94 pts. Cosmo


1st - 161 pts. Weld
2nd - 154 pts. HA
3rd - 147 pts. AT
4th - 144 pts. MTT-EO
5th - 139 pts. Mas-AB
6th - 123 pts. Vet
7th - 118 pts. CA-COT-RT
8th - 110 pts. CT
9th - 94 pts. Cosmo