Spotlight: Co-Op ~ Devin Dittmer

By Devin Dittmer, Senior AT

The Lawrence County Career and Technical Center (LCCTC) Co-op program has been amazing; it has helped me begin my future outside of high school and has also provided me with the knowledge of the real working world.

​Ever since I was little, I have worked side-by-side with my grandfather in his garage -- even before I could even walk!  As I got older, my experience grew from handing him tools to helping him rebuild quads, bikes, and tractors. Learning in Automotive Technology class at LCCTC has helped me gather proper information to work on cars, trucks, and more!

​Being on co-op gives me the ability to apply all the skills I have learned and need to succeed in my field as a automotive technician; it’s giving me the additional training that will help me become successful in the automotive business. Co-op is such a joy for I love my career and hope to continue this journey throughout the years.

​A typical morning at work starts in the break room with a cup of coffee and talking to the other employees of Mcelwain Motor car company.  Just about 8 o’clock we begin the morning rush of sometimes upward of 40 cars in just a few short hours. After lunch we usually slow down quite a bit with maybe 2-3 cars an hour.  It’s a lot like working in our shop at school -- only this time, I get paid!

​To complete my job I know that I must have academic soft skills such as verbal and written communication, problem solving, and research abilities.  Just as in our academic classes, I must be able to actively and equitability work in groups, demonstrate dependability, follow directions, multitask, organize, plan and plan.  I must prove that I am reliable, and trainable. Because of LCCTC, I can do all of these tasks! My academic experience helps me in my career as I need to know simple mathematics, complicated measurements, and simple science.

​After graduation, I plan on pursuing my dream of taking over and owning my grandfather's garage, “Rick Moore’s Auto Repair”.

​My advice to anyone going on co-op is this:   Enjoy yourself. Get out into the workforce and get your hands dirty. Show the older generation that the younger generation can work just as hard. But don't forget to enjoy your teenage years.

​A song that can sum up a work day for me is Eminem’s “I’m Not Afraid” because at work,  I can never be afraid to take on a new task or challenge when it’s thrown at me.