Pride and Promise ~ October: Zoey Galat

Zoey comes to us from Lincoln High School; she is the daughter of Nicole Keating & Michel Dominelli and Dave Galat & Maria Aiken.  Currently, she is employed at Chive, a small eatery in Ellwood. Her extra curricular activities include Art Appreciation and SkillsUSA.

Zoey was recognized as October’s Pride and Promise awardee at LCCTC JOC board meeting on October 17th.  Each day at LCCTC, Zoey consistently displays a willingness to take challenges head on.  She shows an attention to craftsmanship and detail in every project. In her shop and throughout her life, she leads by example to set a fine example for the younger students in class. She has, time and time again, raised the bar and makes her standard one of excellence. 

Willingly, she takes on a lot of extra design projects.  For instance, she is an active member of SkillsUSA for the Promotional Bulletin Board competition while assisting with Chapter Display, she has designed the window designs in our front lobby, she assisted in the design of last year’s holiday float for Light-up Night and, in addition to other random day-to-day design challenges that come through the doors of her Commercial Arts room, she was a big partner in the wing project.  Her CA teacher, Mr. Derosa says, “She has helped make my classroom a welcoming environment that fosters creative growth and her efforts are breaking out of the classroom and into the community both locally and at the state level through SkillsUSA.” 

When asked what she likes best about LCCTC, Zoey says, “I think everything about LCCTC is great!”  She enjoys being able to study in a field she’d like to make as her future career. Zoey goes on to say, “I’m very thankful for Mr. Derosa for teaching us to do our best and never give up. He is an inspiration to all his students. I think many of the teachers here are. This is an amazing school.

She is a prime example of what a LCCTC student could and should be!

When Zoey graduates, she plans to attend college to pursue her degree in education and become an art teacher -- in the hopes of someday becoming a positive influence to other students -- just like Mr. DeRosa has been to her.