Juniors Discover CareerLink

by Eagle Staff

This winter, the juniors at LCCTC were happy to welcome Lawrence County CareerLink into their classroom; the presenters, Mrs. MaryAnn Moss and Mrs. Stephanie Caffro, brought tons of super-cool freebies in the form of water bottles, fidget spinners, and cell phone/ink pens, but they also brought plenty of information — ready for the taking! Additionally, each student received a copy of the Pennsylvania Career Guide filled with the information to explore a variety of career options, discover additional occupations that fit their personalities and career interests, learn about apprenticeships and other additional training, prepare to enter the workforce, and achieve the goal of securing a job and close the skills gap.

During the first part of the presentation, Mrs. Moss and Mrs. Caffro asked us, “What do you know about CareerLink?”

Most answered, “It helps us find jobs.” However, they soon found that there was so much more that the agency offers — for free!

One such interesting gem was this: CareerLink is not just for adults; it has networking connections that can help students land learn additional skills and a good job, too!

They showed us how to get enrolled and led us to features that would really interest us including a link to help us browse for jobs.

Find Training, Learn about Online Services, Learn about Registered Apprenticeship Programs

  • Browse for jobs by: Category, County, Keyword & County

  • Search for Training

  • Improve Interview Skills

  • Online Resources: Resume Creation, Job Market Data, Occupation Profiles, Skill Assessment, Interview Practice

  • Available Services: OVR (Vocational Rehabilitation Service), Future Road Builders, Training Programs

  • Grant assistance with post-secondary training, tools, and uniforms

Even more helpful than checking off another artifact for their graduation projects, LCCTC juniors now have another helpful “tool” to help them find a great job when they’re ready to enter the workforce: CareerLink!

Carolyn McVickerCareerLink