CTE Month: Appreciating our Partners in Education

We couldn’t do what we do at Lawrence County CTC without the help of our partners in education; recently, the Ellwood Group declared this partnership with this incredible sign which proudly hangs in our MTT shop, but there are so many local industries that also help our students in a variety of ways.

Donations of much needed materials and equipment are always welcomed. Participation on Occupational Advisory Meetings are greatly appreciated. SkillsUSA District 10 competitions wouldn’t be complete without our judges from local businesses or without the cooperation of local post-secondary schools. Students travel off-site to complete clinical experience at places like The Haven, Passavant, or Shenango Valley Animal Shelter; they work with local sports teams, the United Way, Habitat for Humanity, and community expos and events to gain real-life experience. Students also complete projects in-house commissioned by organizations such as the PA Game Commission, the Army National Guard, the New Castle Police.

These partners in education help us take student skills from the theory rooms, to the shops and well-beyond in the community; we are grateful for their commitment to education.

if you would like more information on how you can partner with us, ensuring that our students in Lawrence County can help close the skills gap, please call us at (724) 658-3583 ext 7100. We’ll be happy to have you join us!