LCCTC Students Assist at the annual Prom Dreams of Lawrence County

by the Eagle Staff

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” 
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

On March 23rd, Prom Dreams of Lawrence County helped over 220 girls all across the county find the dress of their dreams — for free! Many also went home with shoes and accessories.

The event is sponsored by Melissa Miller, Diane Mangino, and Leslie McClellahan — friends and family of our very own Mr. Miller, MTT instructor and Mrs. Haynes, Study Island Instructional Aide. There to help set up, sort, organize, and with this “organza extravaganza” were our very own LCCTC students.

 And there was a lot to sort and organize! Many people donated new and used gowns, shoes, and jewelry including the Bair Foundation who generously donated gowns, and Union School District donated 70 dresses, fit to impress! 

Students from Mohawk and Union School District assisted in Prom Dreams and now, over 220 young ladies will be ready for the big dance!

Congratulations to the administrators of Prom Dreams for another successful event, and thank you to those who donated and assisted to make others’ lives a little better!

Carolyn McVicker