Charting a Course for the Future

by The Eagle Staff

Freddy Falsehood sneers, “Vo-tech kids can’t go to college.” At LCCTC, we all know this isn’t true. Our students can work hard AND smart if they choose. Yes — many of our students graduate with a skill and go straight into the workforce to earn a competitive wage; however this isn’t the path every student selects. Just as many go on to apply their skills to be a step ahead in the military, the unions and in post-secondary education. With this in mind, we make sure our students have the exposure to many possibilities for career paths so they chart their course for the future.

Recently, our Commercial Arts and Construction Trades shops combined to tour the Pittsburgh Technical College.

“I was most impressed by the smart house!” states Nick Keys, CT junior as he described a technology-filled building straight out of an episode from The Jetsons!

Alex Simmons, CT junior chimes in, “Yeah — it was really cool — the way you could control everything with a swipe of a card!”

Keys continues, “You could talk to it and the blinds would go up and down, the lights would go on and off. It was amazing what new technology is out there!”

Meghan Tarnaski CT sophomore beams, “For me — PTC is a real consideration. PTC offers a wide variety of programs — I’d really like to look into Crime Scene Investigation.”

For others, it was the aesthetic aspect of the campus that was appealing. “The campus looked really nice,” states John Maloney, Commercial Art junior. “It was easy to get around, and I didn’t feel lost.”

“And the food was good, too!” comments Alyssa Lamenza.

Lamenza also states that the campus is far enough away to feel like a college campus, but it’s close enough for a quick visit when we are missing “home” — or need laundry or additional supplies.

Is the PTC for everyone — perhaps not, but it IS a viable possibility that some may want to consider as they chart their course for the future.

To learn more about PTC and the programs offered, please click here: