Are You the "Type" to Save a Life? ~ HA's Fall Blood Drive

As the final donors refreshed their systems with hand-made pizza, skillfully made in RT, it was plain to see that it was a success. A true group effort, there were many to thank:

  • Mrs. Pasterik for the year book photos. Many students do not have ID's to donate. She lets us use the Clark's studio proof photos to allow for ID of any student who took a photo this year. Without that many students would be turned away for not having a valid ID.

  • Mrs. Rylott, who provides the list of birth dates for every student in the building. That is used with the photo's to allow of proof of age of the students.

  • Mr. George Dudich and Mr. John Hiler, who worked like a well oiled machine today, making sure all equipment such as chairs/tables/garbage etc is taken care of. Along with George and John are our afternoon shift custodial staff,who brought the materials to the gym last night.

  • Our office staff, who, whenever a need arose — be more pens, to locate a student, or to do any other odd-end or miscellaneous task, was always willing to do so, especially on these hectic days.

  • To all of our staff members. Without their support to permit students to come donate, HA students could never ever be as successful.

  • To our staff members who were able and willing to donate: Mrs. Brown, Mr. Dudich, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Pavia (substitute), Mrs. Sipe, Mr. Milanovich, Mrs. O'Donnell & Corporal Hoyland,

  • And of course, our fearless students, who rise to the occasion of a blood drive greater than any school I know of!!

  • Last but certainly not least, to Mr. Pavia’s right arm the day of the blood drive, Mrs. O'Donnell, whose unwavering assistance makes events like this possible.

The HA students work very hard for these drives. They obtain all of the sign ups, put the signs around the school and place every student/staff onto the roster. It is truly student led. Along with impacting over 192 individuals as a result of this blood drive, the blood drive allowed the HA students to be able to obtain clinical experience with registration, communication skills, filing, observing for post donor reaction and obtaining post donation vital signs.

The HA shop would like to thank ALL for another wonderful blood drive and who knew that they were the “type” who could save a life!!!!

Carolyn McVicker