LCCTC Begins to E-Learn

In a typical classroom, teachers teach and students learn. This time, the teachers join their students in this new “eLearning” endeavor. And, with little time for training and preparation — just a little over a week to create an engaging, 100% online experience, the learning curve is great. Regardless, educating students for the world of work tomorrow remains a #1 priority; LCCTC kiddos will get the very best our teachers have to give!

For a little over a week, LCCTC’s teachers have been working to provide the curriculum needed to keep their classes moving forward. Mr. Rich made the all-call to invite students to make an appointment to get a device, and Scott Powner tirelessly worked to make sure that there were enough computers to meet the need. Mr. Powner, Mr. Bradley Windhorst, Mr. George Dudich, and Mr. Rich, protected by medical masks and gloves, were able to go above and beyond to loan out well-over 200 computers to eager LCCTC students who were ready to continue their education — this time online.

And so begins a new chapter in education. In this time of stressful uncertainty, remember that education is about growing from new experiences. Teachers will learn how to teach online — often from trial and error, but most importantly, students will learn or, at least for a little while — should we say, “Students will ‘eLearn’.”

Carolyn McVicker