LCCTC Students Ready to Go 1-1: Chromebook Pickup Day

When states across the nation closed the schools last spring, our IT Department scrambled to loan a laptop to every LCCTC student who needed one; many times, these laptops were refurbished, sometimes into the wee-hours of the night, to ensure they were ready for the next wave of students for the next day — and somehow, each student ended up having what they needed. It wasn’t easy for teachers or students, especially when it came to giving or following directions. While having access to a computer, Chromebooks and HPs function in different ways and use different commands. It was hard enough to switch to online instruction, but when students had to juggle additional directions based on the type of computer they had, all too often, the struggle was real. Thanks to the diligent work of school leaders and to the foresight of those who implement technology for the classroom, each and every single LCCTC student is ready to hit the ground running on day one — 1-1 with Chromebooks.

Over the summer, LCCTC worked diligently to write grants making sure each student had access to a good, quality Chromebook; thankfully, this endeavor was a success! Today, the doors to the school were opened wide to welcome students, clad in masks of every style and color, ready to take the first steps toward a successful year at LCCTC. Many are looking forward to their hands-on learning, but in addition to the career-focused academic studies offered in our school, there is also shop theory, typically delivered via textbook and worksheets. To keep up with state and national guidelines, students will no longer share computers, and to minimize confusion in instruction, all students will have the same type of computer. This year, LCCTC has ensured that each individual student will have access to his or her own Chromebook — assigned for the year without the need to share.

As the doors to the school were reopened, eyes peeked over both store-bought paper and home-made cloth face masks — some excited to start the new year, some anxious for the unknown, some happy to pick up where they left off with their online studies, and some groaning at the thought of even placing their fingers on the keyboard — regardless, students arrived and none left empty-handed.

“I look at picking up my Chromebook as the kickoff to my senior year,” states Madison Deli, Health Assistant senior from New Castle, “and I’m eager to get back into my studies using technology in the classroom and in shop.”

Deli’s best friend Tkyia Harper, also a HA senior from New Castle, is taking a different path, but she’s prepared. “I’m ready to study online, but I’m choosing to do it from home — at least for a while. I appreciate being able to have access to the technology and to know that, even though I won’t be in class in person, I won’t fall behind, either.”

With the Chromebook distribution checked off of the list of things to do before school starts, LCCTC’s students are equipped with what they need, and now, they’re empowered to succeed!

*Students who were unable to pick up a Chromebook today should watch the school website, check in with the school’s social media accounts, or wait for an all-call for an alternate date.

Carolyn McVicker