Get Your own LCCTC Strong T-Shirt!

Did you see the LCCTC Strong T-shirts? Would you like to buy one? Proceeds go to a great cause — PeerLeadership’s Turkey Boxes!

You can order online. Click on the site:

Students can also print the order form, attach  their money, and give the order to their first period teachers.  Please place it in the envelopes provided to each of your 1st period teachers.

Due Date: September 13, 2020   NO EXCEPTIONS

We are able to offer your choice of 4 color options and 2 font options.  Please see the choices below.  Complete the form below.  Cost: S, M, L, XL = $10 and 2xL and up $13.

For an additional cost, delivery is available with online orders.

Carolyn McVickerPeer Leader