Peer Leadership Sees Joy Through Service

Bag after bag line the table, ready for delivery. There are forty in all, and each is filled with food for a feast: dinner rolls, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, and corn. Box upon box of homemade pumpkin pie, lovingly made by our Restaurant Trades students, is stacked while a turkey, big enough to feed a family waits to be roasted. As senior Kimberlee Rumbaugh (COS from Laurel) helps to load bags and boxes into the truck for delivery, she states, “I love giving back to the community. It warms my heart to help others.”

Because of the efforts of LCCTC’s Peer Leadership group and the incredible generosity of so many who donated, forty families are able to celebrate with a traditional Thanksgiving feast this year!

As a Peer Leader, senior Jacob Ierace (EO from Ellwood) considers, "Being in Peer Leadership makes me think twice about my actions. I choose to make better decisions because I wouldn't want to miss out on being able to participate in projects like this."

“It makes me happy,” states senior Donovan Ellis (EO from Neshannock), “to see how people are able to have a thanksgiving this year”.

Being a recipient of a turkey box is a blessing for so many. Junior Destiny Fishel (HA from Laurel) understands this firsthand; as a Peer Leader, she was able to help pack the boxes for many families, hers included. “My grandparents are both laid off and out of work,” Fishel states. “Because of the turkey box my family is gifted, we are able to find so many reasons for which to be truly thankful.”

"Once again, wonderful job, Peer Leaders,” states Principal Michael Milanovich. “Every holiday season, these students find a way to work together to gather donations and help others, but in the process, they bring joy to themselves through their service. The work that Peer Leadership does for our community is just one of the many reasons why I continue to be proud of LCCTC."

Carolyn McVickerTurkey Box