T'Kyia Harper: What LCCTC Means to Me

by T’Kyia Harper, Treasurer of the Class of 2021

I would like Madison and Jyah to come join me. 

K’Asia E. Walker, my cousin and a fellow member of the class of 2021  was someone who loved LCCTC and all of her friends here.  We unfortunately lost her a year ago:  Please join me in a moment of silence. . . 

Thank you all very much.  

Hello class of 2021 graduates and all those who are here and watching online at home. I would like to thank all of the family and friends who helped us get through this trying year. 

Despite the challenges brought upon us from the pandemic, I feel deeply that I thrived here at LCCTC.

I would like to thank all the shop teachers. Most of us enjoy hands-on-learning, and trying to learn our tasks virtually was rough, but you never gave up trying.  You made quality time of the time we had left in shop, and with all of the help from you, we made it. 

I would like to take a second and talk about what LCCTC means to me. In the beginning, that first day of sophomore year, I entered the school scared and nervous about a new place and scared at the thought of meeting new people. Clearly, I have overcome this. I ended up meeting amazing people from all corners of the county. My teachers taught me new subjects and skills. My friends gave me support and encouragement. 

Now, I feel that I am bracing to leave my second home. Though I'm ready to head towards new beginnings, the walls of LCCTC and the people there will always hold a special place in my heart. 

To my fellow graduates, I give you a little advice:  

Live your life to the fullest. 

Don’t worry about the ifs ands or buts. 

Travel the world. 

See new places. 

Chase your dreams. 

Be your best, do your best 

and always remember where you came from. 

I’d like to leave you with a quote from Kerry Washington, “Your life is your story and the adventure ahead of you is the journey to fulfill your own purpose and potential.”  

Thank you.