Madison Deli: A Look Back on Our Resilience

by Madison Deli: President of the Class of 2021

August 29th 2018 was the first day that many of us, as a class, started at LCCTC.  

Each of us felt so many emotions -- just as you would when you start any new experience.  Little did we know this would be a place that affected us so much.

From the bonds with our shop teachers -- to meeting new people and making friends, LCCTC has truly changed us for the better.  After years of rushing and wanting to become adults, here we are.  I know I can speak for everyone when I say that, as sophomores entering the doors of LCCTC for the first time, graduation day felt so far away, but in reality, that first day seemed like yesterday.  

Perhaps it was the months we spent away from the building, at home -- with our Chromebooks, wishing we were all back together, or perhaps it is because “time flies fast when you’re having fun.”  Regardless, the last few moments from the last few weeks we’ve spent together have been some of the best moments:  last school dance, last shop games, last shop party, last car smash, last SkillsUSA competitions, and our last shop week together.  These are truly things we may have taken for granted before COVID, but if we learned anything from these troubling times, we have learned to never take anything for granted.  Now we wish that we could turn back time and do it all over again.

Covid definitely put a damper on our senior year, but I'm so proud to say that even with the struggles of virtual learning those who are sitting here have learned the most valuable lesson we could have ever learned from these times:  Resilience.  We were able to overcome obstacles and sit here before you -- ready to graduate.

On behalf of the Class of 2021, I would like to take a moment to thank all of the administration, teachers, and staff who worked so hard to keep things running smoothly during in-person and virtual learning and for making it possible to have most of our end of the year activities.

I would like to thank all of the parents, guardians, families, and friends here in the audience -- for helping to guide us to this day.  

And finally, I would like to say, “Congratulations!” to my fellow graduates.  .  I wish you all luck in the world as we part our ways to accomplish bigger and better things.

I would like to quote Michael Josephson: 

“Take pride in how far you’ve come.

Have faith in how far you can go.

But don’t forget to enjoy the journey.

Thank you.

Carolyn McVickerDeli, 2021