Kickstart Trip to Velocity Magnetics & Container Services

Students in the KickstART program and Commercial Art shop had a fantastic morning on October 20th touring the local production facilities of Container Services, Inc. and Velocity Magnetics, Inc.

Both tours gave students a glimpse into the real world of work exposing them to exciting possibilities and hard but important truths about what it takes to be successful in today's markets. One thing that was clear from both potential employers: a strong work ethic and a well-rounded skill set are prioritized in the hiring process.

One manager even stated "I will not hire people who only have one skill. We need workers who can do skilled trade and understand the academics behind it.”

Another branch manager gave the students a hard lesson in the importance of accurate measurement. "Our allowance for error is less than a 5000th of an inch!”

What was clear from both trips is that the opportunities provided at LCCTC are well aligned with industry demand should students choose to take advantage of them.

We started by touring Container Services, Inc. (CSI). The plant produces a variety of plastic bottles using eco-friendly manufacturing processes and advanced molding techniques. You have probably seen their products in your local grocery stores. Their most interesting designs are the famous honey bear bottles. In a food-based product facility, students had to follow strict sanitary rules and procedures at CSI. As we toured the grounds we learned how designers prepare digital graphics for output that is then manufactured using their state-of-the-art mold-making equipment.

Even more exciting they generously donated a box of honey bear containers for our CA students to design labels for in-shop later this year! Once that project has concluded we will be inviting the company to the school to see the graphic design work our students have done with the bottles they provided.

Because of special contracts with the government, Disney, and Universal Studios, we, unfortunately, were unable to take photos of our tour of Velocity Magnetics and their manufacturing process is proprietary. However, what a unique and exciting opportunity our students had getting to see first-hand the high-tech, contactless magnetic mechanisms they produce for roller coasters and fighter jets!

Both of these employers are thriving and the need for skilled workers is ever-expanding right here in Lawrence County!

Carolyn McVickerCA, KickStart