Oh the Places You'll Go! Class of 2023 Post-secondary Plans

Our kids are going places!

Here at the CTC, we train our kids to have a plan. This may include solidifying employment upon graduation, signing up to serve in America’s Armed Forces, agreeing to continue their studies in the union or at a trade school, or continuing their post-secondary education at a college or university.

As Dr. Seuss warns, “Be sure when you step, step with care and great tact. and Remember — life is a great balancing act.”

However, Seuss continues with encouragement as he questions, “And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed)! Kid, you’ll move mountains.”

Regardless — wish them the best of luck! Go move your mountains and make us proud!

Graduates — We charge you to “Go into the world and do well. But more importantly — go into the world and do GOOD!”

If you know of a senior who has made a commitment to a job after graduation (sometime in May), has signed to serve in the military, or has been accepted to a union, trade, college, or university, please contact @ CMcVicker@lcvt.tec.pa.us . We’d love to hear from you!