Rise with Us: Prospective Open House

“You don’t wake up and become the butterfly.

Growth is a process.”

~ Rupi Kaur

Have you ever noticed the sculpture on the LCCTC campus? It rests in a side yard just outside of the entryway of the school. For decade after decade, many have passed by without thinking about what it might symbolize.

Made of wood and concrete and supported by bars of steel, the three-panel sculpture has stood for decades but stands for so much more. The wood is organic — a symbol of life and growth. The Concrete is solid — something clear and tangible. Steel embodies the qualities of strength and support.

When students first enter our doors, they have not yet taken on the qualities found within the sculpture as their own; however — when they exit after their three years of training and having had an opportunity to gain a solid education with an employable skill, our graduates embody the qualities found within the wooden sculpture. Their lives have grown and changed as they have studied the theory and performed the hands-on learning necessary for employment within their trades. These skills — many backed by the opportunity to earn nationally-recognized certifications — are recognizable; our students are able to do what the average student can’t do. Heck — they are able to do what many adults can’t do, and they do it with the strength of a career and technical training and with the support of a strong academic education.

Etched into the wooden grains is a series of stars, lighting the way in the dark of night, and in the foreground — an eagle soaring upward. Perhaps it is this sculpture that inspired the mantra we share at LCCTC, “We Are Rising.”

Change isn’t easy. Growth isn’t easy. Rising to the very pinnacle of ability isn’t easy. But when young people make the decision to redirect their educational course at their home schools and to challenge themselves to learn a trade, every day, day after day, LCCTC helps them to take those very steps that direct them upward toward their future goals — regardless of any obstacle that might stand in their way.

We welcome our prospective students as they take their first steps toward their dreams of tomorrow, and we encourage them to join us on their journey as we teach them to do what they never even imagined they could — to soar even beyond their highest expectations — to rise with us.

To the Prospective Students in the Class of 2025 — we were pleased to meet you at the open house last night, and we’re excited see you return in the fall!

If you would like more information about how you might join us, please visit our website: LCCTCEagles.com. You can click on the link, APPLY TO LCCTC TODAY to begin your journey toward a great career. You can also contact us at (724) 658-3583.

Carolyn McVicker