Treating Teachers with Treats!

Sometimes, those who work in education can feel like the work they do is just a “thankless job.”

Educators, Support Staff, Administrators, Lunch Staff, and Maintenance Workers can often be discouraged when they work so hard to spark a fire of understanding or to make sure the building is running well only to feel it fizzle when the lesson that took so much effort to create was not as engaging as imagined, when they start their days with an email box filled with directives, or when the extra effort to make sure things were just right goes seemingly unseen.

Much like parenting, what occurs in education on a day-to-day basis seems to go unnoticed — or does it?

Recently, it seems that a generous person (or generous people) has made the effort to send a message of encouragement to the staff at LCCTC. Last week, it was fresh bagels; this week it was sweet treats — both delivered with great care from Giant Eagle.

To the Anonymous Donor or Donors — we send a mighty THANK YOU! We appreciate your efforts to brighten our days! It worked!

Carolyn McVicker