Natalie Foster's Address to the Class of 2022

Welcome administration, teachers, family, friends, & this year’s graduating class. I am Natalie Foster, the senior class treasurer.  Thank you for the opportunity to speak on this important day.

Oprah Winfrey once said, “You become what you believe.” I believe that this is true for the class of 2022. We have grown to believe in each other. We have grown to believe in our own skills, & that we are skilled. We have grown to believe in the opportunities given to us. I believe in the saying, “when one door closes, another one opens.” I believe that means if you fail at one thing, you will get the opportunity to succeed in something else.

So class of 2022, become what you believe & enjoy what life has to offer! I wish the very best of luck to this year’s graduating class!

You can listen to Natalie’s speech here: NATALIE