Showcasing LCCTC: Rep. Marla Brown Visits

by Madison Werner, Health Assistant Student 2024

November 9th marked an exhilarating milestone as we were honored to host PA State Representative Marla Brown at LCCTC! The seniors from the SkillsUSA Opening and Closing Team, adorned with the national bronze medals, happily greeted our day’s dignitaries and eagerly accepted the invitation to assist Director Leonard Rich on an enlightening tour of our facility – even learning a few bits of trivia throughout the process. Our pride in showcasing the extraordinary events at LCCTC knows no bounds.

While Rep. Brown navigated the extensive mile-long hallways, she not only explored the physical layout of our school about 56 years earlier; she also actively engaged with our students as she asked questions and listened attentively to their responses which mostly circled the theme of truly enjoying their education at LCCTC. 

Beginning in the lobby, Rep. Brown delved into the school's background and layout, gaining comprehensive insights which include the students’ active involvement in Career and Technical Student Organizations like FFA and SkillsUSA, the School-Wide Positive Behavior program, and the Wall of Peace designed by previous Commercial Art students. She learned that our school was Advancing into the academic wing, she stepped into a biology classroom, directly interacting with the students as they were engaging in a presentation delivered by a visiting speaker.  She learned that ours is one of 15 comprehensive schools offering a full-time education that connects their academic studies to their career programs.

Rep. Brown toured our newly renovated library and got to see students in our physical education classes in action.  She also learned of the Clothes Closet and Pantry items Peer Leaders provide to the student population.

Expanding on this, Rep. Brown’s visit continued to each shop, commenced with Restaurant Trades (RT) as they served their traditional Thanksgiving Dinner for the staff and concluded with Welding as they continued to work PPE in check. Modernized equipment,  evidence of appreciation for support, and students actively engaged in the work of their programs were highlighted. Throughout the tour, she participated in meaningful conversations with both students and instructors, acquiring valuable insights into the unique characteristics and activities of each shop, and the opportunities for gainful employment even before graduation in our Co-Op program. All the while as Rep. Brown asked about plans for after school, students demonstrated that they had confident goals – whether it was going straight into the workforce, service to our country in the Armed Forces, or continued education, students wanted Rep. Brown to know that they had solid plans – responses which caused Mr. Rich to grin with pride. Returning full circle to Restaurant Trades, she took a moment to sit down, engaging in conversation with her tour guides and savoring dessert prepared with care by RT students.

After covering the 144,000 sq foot of our building and acknowledging the demands of her busy schedule, Rep. Brown gracefully took her leave. However, before departing, she conveyed her deep admiration for our school, expressing amazement at the profound drive and passion evident in our field of work.  She and her chief of staff and film crew who came all the way from Harrisburg didn’t leave empty-handed; they happily took treats from Restaurant Trades with them!

Our heartfelt gratitude extends to Rep. Marla Brown for dedicating time from her busy schedule to connect with us and for gathering firsthand knowledge about our exceptional institution. We cherished the opportunity to share the vibrancy of LCCTC with such a distinguished guest, and we look forward to when you might return!

* Thank you, Chief of Staff Jennifer Bush, for sharing your photos you took while on the tour!

Carolyn McVickerBrown, Visit, Tour