LCCTC Reflects on Engineering Day -- "Right Down the Street"

by Elia Rae McKnight, Electrical Occupations senior (Laurel)

What’s more intriguing than a little friendly district competition?  Every year, the Ellwood group hosts a competition incorporating mechanically-centered prompts for high school students dubbed ‘Engineering Day.’  Each school in the Lawrence County area compiles a team of top-notch tech kids prepared to work hard and deliver their presentations.

 Beginning in January, an updated prompt was delivered to teams of no more than four students to discover a solution to a given dilemma.  Their job: to come together using critical thinking skills to solve the problem.  

This year’s scenario requested a fresh, realistic method to remove coolant from metal chips during the delivery process.  Of course, LCCTC STEAM students Cody Hurd, William Dando, Tia Bowser, Brady Zook, and Lacey Ables knew what they were about.  Tackling the issue head-on, the team began brainstorming an effective approach to resolve the prompt.  As always, they worked together efficiently to research the topic thoroughly.  This process includes weeks of reading and utilizing knowledgeable resources such as the internet and even individuals in the machining field. They then must apply what they’ve learned to discussions and their agreed solution before affixing it to a slideshow presentation.  Their quick fix: apply a vacuum in conjunction with a metal straining screen on the conveyer belt before disposal.  During the month-long period, they prepared for the competition; the team worked diligently by researching and supplying practical information for their presentation to personally deliver to the Ellwood group personally.

On March 2nd, the team’s efforts debuted at the competition held at Ellwood Quality Steel.  Before their presentation, all in attendance were taken on a private tour of the company facility.  

They were then directed to the competition room, where nerves spiked!  Each district proudly presented its data to the room while judges watched throughout.  In the end, our team took home third place!  Well done, LCCTC!  Your efforts make us so proud - keep on shining!

Principal Caiazza remarks positively about the experience as well, “It was a joy and a privilege to visit Ellwood during engineering day. It is wonderful that we have such a dynamic industry to partner with for our students — right down the street! The plant was amazing to tour, to see how it operated and learn the mechanics was exciting and impressive!”

“It was great to see the plant thriving,” Brad Windhorst, LCCTC’s STEAM teacher states. “There is a lot going on, and the kids were excited to see the inner workings of the company.  Heck -- I was excited to see it, too!” This tour gave our LCCTC kids a glimpse of what their future careers could look like, especially for those who have developed an outstanding work ethic.