Tell Me About . . . Construction Trades!

When you were little, did you gravitate toward playing with Legos, Lincoln Logs, and building blocks? Did you enjoy your toy construction toolbelt or enjoy tinkering with Tonka toys? Well, we have the perfect program for YOU — Construction Trades!

Scroll down to learn more and to watch a video.

In construction trades, you’ll learn the entry-level skills you need in the residential construction field like framing, roofing, and interior and exterior finishes. You’ll learn by doing — working on projects within the shop and throughout the community. You’ll learn to follow blueprints and building plans, measure/cut/and shape wood and plastic, and to install structures and fixtures. And you’ll learn basic masonry, cement, and electrical work.

To learn more about building your career in LCCTC’s Construction Trades program, check out our program’s page: You can also click on the APPLY TO LCCTC TODAY button at the top of this page to begin your journey toward an exciting career in Construction Trades!