As I Prepare for Nationals

~ by Krista Berkley:  Cosmetology, 2018

Two and a half years ago as a sophomore, if someone would have approached me and asked me, “What is SkillsUSA?”, I would have most likely answered something along the lines of: “I’m not really sure; it’s this club they have at my school.” 

Little did I know SkillsUSA was going to change my life. This organization has taught me so much about teamwork, leadership, and the value of confidence. 

I now have another family full of people who all care about something so much and come together to help each other succeed. We all learn to support each other and to work hard for the sake of each other. Every year our family changes. As the seniors move on to "adult" in this world, we welcome into the fold our new family members. They grow into our little family and become just as important to us as those before them. We all learn to support each other and to work hard for the sake of each other.

Being President of this team hasn’t been easy. I have held myself to a higher standard and this welcomed added pressure has brought me a more stress than I originally thought; expecting more of myself has helped me through many tough times during my senior year, and I am sure those lessons will carry me well into my adult years after I graduate. SkillsUSA has taught me humility -- to be proud of our many accomplishments and to realize that it is truly more than must is WE, and I am excited to lead my team to the SkillsUSA National Championships in Louisville, KYy this coming June. 
by Krista Berkley, Cosmetology, 2018

Skills has played a huge role in the person I am today. Personally, I have come out of my shell and opened up to new opportunities that I would have never experienced. I have grown into a stronger, more confident young women. I know that I can accomplish so much if I work with others toward a common goal, if I hold myself to a high standard, and if I truly believe that I can achieve.

Although this will be my last time competing, this is not the end of my SkillsUSA journey. I plan to join the SkillsUSA Alumni and continue to offer all of my support to students in this organization. I will always hold SkillsUSA close to my heart. 

So I want to say thank you to all the amazing students who have put their all into this organization, not only from LCCTC but from tech schools across the country. I am incredibly grateful to all of those who have contributed to fully fund our request in the Donors Choose project -- Holy Cow, how AWESOME; their monetary support is inspiring , and I am encouraged to work even harder because of their belief in our team.  I also want to say thank you to my administration, to all of my advisers and especially to all who I call my second family, my team, team, all of my advisers and the school administration who pushed me to achieve my full potential and believed in me when I struggled to I could not believe in myself. I hope to continue to make you all proud.

Skills is LOVE, Skills is LIFE!