Class Officer Spotlight: President, Class of 2020

Introducing: Alexa Clouse, President ~ Class of 2020

Shop: Health Assistant

Home School: Neshannock

Why did you run for office? I love being able to help my classmates in some way and knowing that I can make some sort of change to make school a better and happier place for them.

What do you hope to accomplish for your classmates this year? I’d really like to know that my classmates are super-happy…to know that I had a hand in helping make that happen.

What do you like BEST about LCCTC? I really appreciate that I can learn a trade. As a future nurse, I love knowing that I have the knowledge and understanding of what goes on in our bodies and why certain things happen; I love that I have the power to help people in need.

What clubs are you involved in? I’m in culture club. I love learning about all the different places, and I am learning to appreciate the differences of other cultures.

What is something you really dislike but have no reason for disliking? BACON (LOL) ~ I really don’t have a reason to not like bacon; it tastes good and all, I just hate it.

What quote or song lyric best describes you? "I believe it's half full, not a half empty glass. Every day I wake up knowing it could be my last; I'm here for a good time, so bring on some sunshine.” ~ Trooper

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