Graduate Spotlight: Determined Now Designing

Congratulations to Randy Scilabba, LCCTC Machine Tool Tech Class of 2015, for his recent graduation from Youngstown State University. He earned his Associates Degree in Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology. Here is his reflection in his words:

I can honestly say that I’m proud of myself.

I was never a kid that liked school or even thought about going to college, but I knew I had more potential than I thought, and I knew I could push myself to be better. After I graduated high school from LCCTC, I never thought I would further my education. If I even thought about it, I had no idea what I would even major in.

I was working as a machinist at a job while I was in high school and the sales manager at the time said, “Yanno Randy you’re pretty smart, you should really look into engineering.” I thought he was nuts. I didn’t have a clue what engineers even did from a day to day basis, so I replied, “Ehhh — you’re crazy.”

But then I thought about it, did a little research, and was soon determined to make this my vocation because it described what I loved to do.

Even as a kid, I was always into designing things and tearing things apart. I loved working on cars — admittedly, I still do — and I really enjoyed machining and fabricating. All those things are really what Mechanical Engineers; I wanted to be a Mechanical Engineer my whole life, and I didn’t even know it!

I am now a Mechanical Engineering Technologist and I’m so eager to start working to design all sorts of different things.

I would have never know what I was going to do for the rest of my life if it wasn’t for LCCTC. My amazing teachers truly changed my life and pointed me in the right direction.

My advice: Push yourself, be the best you that you can be, and find what it is that makes you happy — make that your career. If I can do it, you can do it too and who doesn’t want to be happy, am I right?