Teacher Olympics!

We have all heard the funny quotes about teaching:

  • “Teaching is like a walk in the park … Jurassic Park!”

  • “Recipe for iced coffee: 1. Become a teacher. 2. Bring hot coffee to school. 3. Start doing a million things. 4. Forget you brought coffee. 5. Drink it cold.”

  • “I will not yell in class. I will not throw things in class. I will not have temper tantrum. I will always be good because I am the teacher…I am the teacher…I am the teacher…”

But today, we had a chance to laugh with (and at) our teachers in the first ever Teacher Games — a virtual Teacher Olympics where it’s the teacher’s turn to show their skill, dexterity, athleticism!

“Prepare to be amazed with incredible feats of athleticism!” — said no one ever about the teacher games today, but there WAS a lot of laughter and zero injuries as teachers used Nerf guns to knock down targets, straws to dunk a marshmallow in a pail, hula hoops to create a human ring toss (with Simon scoring three points at one time!), an exercise band to create a giant sling shot, a pool-noodle to do a javelin toss, plastic storage baskets to play a ball in the basket, and a hula hoop to — well — hula hoop!

By the way — the last “man” standing for academics was Mrs. Discello and for vocational teachers, Mrs. Yanak! Overall — Mrs. Yanak won, but the outcome is hotly debated as rumors of sabotage soon surfaced after the victor was announced.

Who won overall? …and I’m not kidding when I tell you this: It was a TIE: Vocational 4 — Academic 4!

We couldn’t have asked for a better outcome that describes what a teaching staff should be! Working together, cheering each other on, laughing and laughing and laughing. Here are a few pictures from today’s games:

Thank you, Peer Leadership, for organizing these games!