Remember When? The Third Annual Hall of Fame Banquet

This night was a night to reconnect with friends and family — a night to return to stroll down the hallways filled with fond memories of days not so long ago and to laugh about stories that began with the phrase, “Remember when…?” It was a night to honor those who once walked those hallways — those who learned a skill, who went out into the world, and who truly “made it.” It was also a night to honor those who taught those skills, guiding so many toward success. It was the third annual LCVT/LCCTC Hall of Fame!

This year’s Hall of Fame events began at the “Vo-Tech,” formerly known as Lawrence County Area Vocational Technical School and now renamed Lawrence County Career and Technical Center. Peer Leaders were on-hand to guide former graduates, returning staff, and their families on a tour of the building.

Current Principal, Mike Milanovich warmly praised LCCTC’s custodial staff as he commented, “It’s easy to see that this team of people have worked really hard to make this ‘Old Gal’ shine!” This compliment (see the images below) is true — of not only the building but of the staff who, for over 50 years, work diligently to ensure that the students of Lawrence County have the greatest opportunity to enter the workforce with highly-employable skills!

Festivities moved from the school building to just a bit down the street as graduates and retirees reconnected with familiar friendly faces over hors d'oeuvres at the Cascade Park Pavilion. Hello hugs and laughter pealed over the din of dinner music featuring songs from yesterday. Friends and family enjoyed a delicious catered dinner made by Farone Brothers Catering. Finally, it was time to honor the 3rd class into the Hall of Fame.

The resumes of the 2019 Hall of Fame Inductees were impressive:

  1. a teacher of 39 years who brought the Drivers’ Education Program to our region — Richard Brzezinski

  2. an aide who helped shape the lives of students in both youth and adult education — Mrs. Anita Costello

  3. a graduate who began her education because she wanted to simply “help others” and who went on to be named as VFW National Surgeon General — Ruth Fraser Fairchild

  4. a former Marine and passionate educator and administrator who made it his life’s work to ensure that so many others felt pride in their vocation — Mr. James Kreshon

  5. a masonry graduate whose commitment to Lawrence County has shown not only through his business but also in the opportunities provided to current students from his Alma Mater — Mr. Joe Ostrowski

  6. and finally, a 22-year instructor and “Legend” whose students truly serve as living monuments — the late, Mr. Gary Sperdute

(For more detailed tributes to each honoree, stay tuned to The Eagle Blog)

The evening festivities was followed by a DJ who played song after song from yesteryear while the sunny skies outside gave way to the twinkling stars of night. It was clear to see that a great time was had by all.

The Hall of Fame Committee would like to thank this year’s sponsors for their generous support and encourages all friends and family to patronize these businesses whenever the opportunity arises : Blank Concrete & Supply, UB Trucking, Reed Oil Company, Ellwood City Forge Group, Medure Catering, ProTech Security Systems, Cook Brothers Brick and Supply Co., Central Heating and Plumbing, McElwain Motor Car Company, Penn United Technologies, Lark Enterprises Inc., Advance Auto Parts, Castle Maintenance Products Inc., Anderson Coach and Travel, J & J Enterprises Inc., and Noga Ambulance Service Inc.

Carolyn McVickerComment