Fall Band Feature: Destiny Fishel

Sometimes, you CAN have your cake and eat it, too!

That’s what sophomore Destiny Fishel has done this fall sports season. In the daytime, she studies Health Assistant and takes academic classes at LCCTC, but when the Friday night lights turn on, you can see her on the field as a proud member of the Laurel Spartan Marching Band!

Since 5th grade, Destiny has been playing the saxophone, and she really enjoys being in band, so when she found that she could continue this passion AND learn a great trade, she said, “Count me in!”

Being involved in extra-curriculars does come with a price — a lot more responsibility. She needs to maintain great grades and attendance, and she needs to practice her music to be ready for the field. “This year, being responsible for keeping it all straight and at a new school has been a challenge, but I’m up for it!”

We’re pleased that Destiny chose to study Health Assistant at LCCTC and happy that she can still participate in an activity that she loves!


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Carolyn McVicker