Fall Sports Feature: Savannah Young

If you know Savannah, it’s no surprise that her Friday night “job” has been to smile and be positive for others. For the past seven years, Savannah has been a Shenango Wildcat Cheerleader. But there’s more to cheering than clapping, smiling, and looking adorable for this cosmetology Senior!

“I do my best to pump up the crowd and cheer on the team,” Savannah states. This is the norm for her in the classroom and in shop as well. Always a team player, she takes this positive attitude with her here at LCCTC, as a Peer Leader, at her church, and in every task she takes on. She knows that having an attitude of , “I can,” is helpful on the field and in the workplace.

In addition to this frame of mind, she also has a keen eye for safety of her team. As a base she knows that it’s much better to have a firm foundation for her flyers, and a good spotter is always helpful, too. “It’s up to me to make sure we hit our stunts so that nobody gets hurt.” On the job, it’s very much the same; having a firm foundation of the theory and practice in cosmetology will enable her to get a great head start. Being able to do so in an environment where a teacher is able to spot potential troubles gives her that extra ounce of confidence to be able to take a few risks, to trust her instinct, and to know she can ask for help if and when she needs it. Reliance on the team around you has enabled her to flourish.

We wish Savannah much luck as she completes her senior year, and we are grateful to know that we can rely on her to flash her smile and warm our hearts when we need to remember that there is someone out there cheering for us, as well!


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