Creative Solutions

by Cailin Lyons, Class of 2020 Vet Assistant

When this pandemic first started, everyone was in a panic over school and work, but soon, with the help of the school, students were able to have access to both computers and internet connection, accessible from as far away as the parking lot, to access assignments, return to home to work offline, and return to the school to download the next set if needed. Because of the strength of the internet access required by family members working from home, one student needed to find a creative solution.  The offer to access WiFi did not pass up senior carpentry student, Adam Georgia. Willing to do whatever it took to get his school work done, he parked himself with his Chromebook outside of the school's front doors, and now he has the internet access to get the job done. 

Though the weather is finally starting to warm up, the Western Pennsylvania weather has been a mix between sunny days and biting cold wind, so doing his schoolwork outside in the cold couldn’t have been easy for him. Sitting on top of a blanket, cross-legged on the sidewalk, resting the back of his LCCTC Letterman’s jacket against the brick wall of the building that many consider their second home, Adam states, “I could work offline, but it’s just as easy to sit here and complete my assignments.  It’s not that bad!”  Having played football for Shenango High School and having been a major player to help construct the Hometown Holly Days outdoor community ice rink with his shop, Adam is no stranger to cold weather and hard work!

I had the pleasure of serving on student council with Adam during our Sophomore and Junior years.  Because of his caring and  helpful nature, working with him was so easy and fun. He wanted to help in every way and was incredibly dedicated to anything we did, so I was pleased to email him and ask a few questions:

Cailin:  What is your best memory from LCCTC? 

Adam:  My best memories have to be the shop parties.

C:  Of course — your shop parties in carpentry are almost legendary! With a few saw horses, and each student’s favorite tailgating food, who wouldn’t love it! Okay — so besides the food, what will you miss the most?  

A:  My friends — I have really been able to make great friends here through shop, and my classes and SkillsUSA — I have made a lot of good friends.

C:  What advice would you give new students coming to LCCTC? 

A:  My advice would be to make new friends and find a shop you love! I’d love to work in the field someday — maybe even join the Carpenters’ Union! I really enjoy this type of work.

Adam is very brilliant and talented, and it's no doubt that he will go on to do amazing things, no matter where life takes him.