We Celebrate the Resilient Class of 2020: Virtual Graduation ~ 1st Night

Unusual times call for creative approaches. On the first evening on June 2020, LCCTC held its first night of two — to capture that all-important moment for every senior: That final walk across the stage to accept their diploma — virtually.

On this first evening, families gathered, cell phones and videos in hand, to watch their students cross the threshold that every graduate is eager to reach It was all captured by LCCTC videographer, Mr. Windhorst, and by Clark’s Studio who was also ready to take each graduate’s formal cap and gown photo.

Though this moment on stage was not the original plan put into place back in August when school began, it DOES serve to show the creative resilience of the Class of 2020 and of their ability to find a way to still celebrate this monumental event in their lives. Graduates’ eyes still rolled as as fathers adjusted collars and smoothed down hair tucked under a mortarboard cap. Mothers’ eyes glistened as they watched their baby make their way alone up the stairs and onto the stage. Flashes flashed and quiet claps were lifted, and two nights from now, weather permitting, these young people will do it all over again — this time, for real on the field at Taggart Stadium.

Carolyn McVicker