LCCTC Thinks PINK! 2021

It may have been as simple as a hair tie or a pair of socks. Maybe it was a shade like “coral” or “magenta.” Maybe it was an official 2021 t-shirt or maybe it was a homemade tie-dyed hoodie. They were “Pretty in Pink” as they studied their trade, while they studied in academics, or even during a quick checkup at a hospital (ps. No worries, all was well, and Katie is okay). Regardless of the method, mode, or location, students and staff met the calling to wear pink for this year’s Pink Out Day!

Breast cancer impacts far too many and our Eagle family is no exception. This year’s Pink Out campaign hits close to home for many whose loved ones have battled, are battling, and will battle this disease.

The awareness of the need for early detection and the support we send during this year’s Pink Out campaign is one of the many first events for LCCTC’s Peer Leadership. We thank the advisors and members for their efforts and look forward to many other events in the months to come!

Carolyn McVickerComment