Meet Treasurer Natalie Foster, Class of 2022

Say “Hi!” to Natalie Foster, Restaurant Trades senior from Ellwood City!

Q: What clubs, sports, or activities have you been involved in at LCCTC?

A: I have been in Student Council as the junior Vice President last year. I enjoy Geocaching (a.k.a. Nature Walk). I have also been in Games Club & Independent Reading / Writing Club. 

Q: What is something interesting that people might not know about you?

A: Enjoy playing bocce for Lincoln High School because I get to see my home school friends. I enjoy hanging out with them and have been able to maintain those connections.

Q: What are you most looking forward to this school year?

A: I’m looking forward to the senior banquet later on in the school year, going on the senior trip, and — of course, graduation.

Q: Who in your life deserves a shout-out for helping you make it this far?

A: Someone who has helped me make this far is my mom because she encourages & pushes me to do my best.

Q: How has LCCTC changed your life?

A: LCCTC has changed my life because I got to meet some amazing & kind people such as Ms. Price, Mrs. Caiazza, Mr. Ovial, & Mrs. McVicker. They helped with my school work whenever I needed it.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

A: I see myself out of college & being a pastry chef. My goal is to eventually save up some money to start up a bakery.

Q: If there was one word that would sum up who you are, what would it be?

A: The one word that would sum up who I am would be “kind” because I like to think about others before thinking about myself; it’s one of the reasons I enjoy serving my class as an officer!

Carolyn McVicker