RT Goes to "The Burg"

Instead of working hard in the kitchen, RT juniors and seniors recently enjoyed a day in “The Burg,” and were treated to a demonstration by a master chef in action!

RT students spent time meandering round from shop to shop — and it was all a feast for the eyes! Brightly-colored fruits of all colors of the rainbow, sidewalk vendors could be found at every corner. With a deep breath in, they smelled fresh-roasted coffee and freshly-baked bread. So many souvenirs to buy! One student came home with a cooler filled with exotic meats! As they wandered, they learned about curious, new foods and a melting-pot of different cultures.

And then it was time to enjoy their meal at Benihana. Watching the chef in action, it was clear to these CTE students that there was a lot of skill that went into the job than just being able to grill food. These masters needed to use organization when taking orders and making sure everything was made to specifications. They needed strong interpersonal communication and customer service skills as they interacted and entertained while they cooked.

In all, students had an interesting and educational afternoon learning about different cultures and experiencing the food from around the world.