POTUS Replies to CA Student

As educators, we can rarely anticipate what each day will bring. Today was no different; however, recently, one of our instructors, Mr Anthony DeRosa (Commercial Arts) experienced a first; one of his students excitedly approached with a request: to matte and frame a letter he just recieved from POTUS!

Patrick Carravagio, an eleventh-grade Commercial Art Student from New Castle, took it upon himself this year to write our country’s Commander and Chief to notify him of his ambitions after graduation and the challenges he faces as a student and young American.

Here is the response he received from the President that was the inspiration behind the lesson on matting and framing::

Dear Patrick,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. Vice President Harris and I love hearing from students. Even at your age, you have the power to change the future and make history.

Our country faces many challenges, and the work we have ahead of us is going to be really tough. I’m certain that if we set aside our differences and come together as a Nation, we will make positive change. It won’t be easy, and I’m going to need your help.

I urge you to remain curious, creative, and fearless. Students like you are the future of our great Nation, and it’s important that you speak up on the issues that matter most. When you make your voice heard, adults listen.

I wish you the best in the years ahead, and look forward to seeing where your future takes you. Study hard. Keep challenging yourself. And be kind.


Joe Biden

“I naver thought that he would reply to my letter,” exclaims Carravagio. “You know — he’s got a lot going on, but he took the time to hear what I had to say and put his name to the letter. It’s pretty exciting to get a response from the President of the United States.”

Join us in congratulating Patrick who, despite not being of legal voting age yet, chose to engage in the possibility of change, communicate with his government, and make his voice heard in a positive, productive manner.

We’re proud of you, Patrick — for stepping outside of your comfort zone; who knows — maybe your words will make a difference!