"Joy in Serving"

by Elia McKnight, Electrical Occupations (Laurel) Class of 2023

Holding pride in an organization is essential to its growth.  Our school can say that we are endlessly proud of our students!  Last night, LCCTC’s Peer Leadership group was awarded this month’s Pride and Promise award at the JOC board meeting.

In order to become a Peer Leader, a student must be recommended by at least one teacher, have a good academic standing, outstanding character, and a drive to help our community.  Each member fits this description, and – through their active participation with the group – has also developed qualities indicative of a leader.  

In the half-hour leading up to the meeting, Peer Leaders and a handful of supportive guests shuffled into the lobby to mingle.  As the group filed into the library, nervous whispers were shared between the students as they were each invited to state their name, shop, and home school district in front of the board members; each did so with an appearance of confidence – even though they may have been feeling anything but.  

After brief introductions were made, kind words about Peer Leadership were shared by Dr. Rich and Principal Caiazza.  Mrs. Pasterik, the backbone of the organization, gave the board members a swift run-down of all the group does in the school and community.  A fraction of what the Peer Leaders at LCCTC do includes: representing the student body during tours, revamping community gardens, packing pantry food bags, starting the linen closet, donating to Wounded Warrior, and so on.  After all, “No joy can equal the joy of serving others.” (Sai Baba)

Beaming, the group was presented with the December 2022 Pride and Promise award certificate, which can be seen in the ‘LCCTC Rising’ display case in the academic wing.  As Peer Leaders and guests retired from the meeting, a group picture with the award was in order for the yearbook.  

On behalf of our Peer Leaders and school, we would like to thank the JOC board for presenting the heart of our school with such a noble endowment.  It is a significant honor to be selected for the Pride and Promise award, which can testify to the diligence our Peer Leaders have when it comes to leadership, service, and integrity.  

Our Peer Leaders give us a reason to be proud of them and our school.  Congratulations Peer Leaders!  You deserve it for doing a phenomenal job of representing our school.  We are rising LCCTC!