Peer Leadership Introduces The Linen Closet

By Amber Nero, VA junior (Neshannock)

Peer Leadership is all about leading and helping others. The Peer Leaders and their advisors, Mrs. Pasterik, and Mr. Ovial, have decided to put their heads together and fill a life-changing need for the kids at Lawrence County CTC in many different ways. Their most recent campaign, the Linen Closet, meets the needs of students who may not have access to life essentials like soap, shampoo, deodorant, and other products that can build and maintain self-confidence in the classroom and beyond.  

Think about it ~ If your mom or dad lost a job, it’s more challenging to buy necessities.  When parents have to choose between hygiene products or food, they would choose to feed their family.  Student focus soon shifts from their lessons to concern for personal hygiene.  As a result, confidence goes by the wayside and their studies suffer.

No student should ever need to worry about having the basic essentials that help them be healthy and confident; a little thing like soap can make a world of difference.

If your family is in need, you can make an appointment to go visit the linen closet to “shop” for free for what you need. The Linen Closet is located in Room 122 with Mrs. Pasterik; you would like to email her or talk with her personally to set up a date and time during school hours to get the goods you need. 

No kid should be without their necessary materials. So, thanks to the Peer Leaders, the students at LCCTC have the opportunity to provide a healthy, comfortable place for its kids.  Why?  Because YOUR well-being is important!

If you would like to donate funds or items to the Linen Closet, please email


COMING SOON:  If your family is not in need, but – perhaps you forgot deodorant that day, you will be able to go to the linen closet and get a travel size to use.  Watch your emails for an announcement that this offer is in place.

Carolyn McVickerComment