SWPB Ice Skating Field Trip

by Madison Jones, senior Cosmetology

With the cold days coming to an end, the kids took another School-Wide Positive Behavior Insensitive for ANY student who is free of ANY form of disciplinary write-up.

These kids loaded onto two buses for 4 hours of earned happiness. They got to go on a trip to the newly improved Hess Ice Rink in Neshannock Township. They got the ENTIRE rink to themselves for winter sports fun!!

After winning the Renovate the Rink contest, Hess Ice Rink has been under renovations and has made the rink a lot more comfortable. Making changes to the floors and eventually the entire building. The kids got to see the changes that the rink has been going through and experience it firsthand. 

Everywhere you look, you see smiles and laughter as the kids who knew how to skate helped the kids who didn’t. You saw kids falling and getting right back up to try again! and with a fun event like this, you saw wonderful friendships forming. 

After skating and fun for hours! LCCTC students could be found in the lobby enjoying the array of seating or the concession stand. Hot dogs, chili fries, slushies, smoothies, nachos, and pretzels — you name it and they had it! The kids could choose from such a wide variety, and even try some new snack items. 

Seeing kids share with other people — just being kind on such a rewarding field trip — I bet we’ll see all the same kids on the next SWPB trip in the spring, and maybe — even more!  

The SWPB is a great way to encourage kids to make good choices, and it’s pretty easy — especially when they get good back in return. These kids have to be completely referral and discipline free for the entire 9- week period, and for their amazing behavior and discipline records, kids got to go on the field trip — perhaps the best one of their lifetime!

This is all thanks to Hess Ice Rink for letting our SWPB kids have this opportunity, to our SWPBS advisors, and to the students who were able to gather to have good, simple, teenage fun. We can’t wait for next year!!