Posts tagged swpb
SWPB Ice Skating Field Trip

The SWPB is a great way to encourage kids to make good choices, and it’s pretty easy — especially when they get good back in return. These kids have to be completely referral and discipline free for the entire 9- week period, and for their amazing behavior and discipline records, kids got to go on the field trip — perhaps the best one of their lifetime!

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SWPB: Ice Skating!

As a school, we all thank Mr. Orelli and the SWPB team for all they do to recognize our students for "making good choices" and "doing the right thing” because we are “here, we’re ready, we’re respectful, and we are safe.”

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Carolyn McVickerswpb, ice rink
SWPB Movie Trip Incentive

On Friday, October. 25th, the School Wide Positive Behavior Movie Field Trip took place as at the Westgate Cinemas in New Castle. Two bus-loads of students who have been referral-free for the last 9 week grading period were eligible to attend..

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Carolyn McVickerswpb