Why Not? 23 Enjoy a Day of Fishing

by Brady Zook, junior Welding

It was a cool, crisp spring day. The water was smooth and crystal clear. The sun was shining and the trout were biting which made the fishing trip a success, regardless of the catch. A total of 23 students caught and released over 60 trout and set a new school record! All that was needed to gather the fishermen and women, was one question from Mr. Simon, the Health and Phys-Ed teacher, “Hey!  Who wants to go fishing?”  

Because Cascade Park is right around the corner, we walked through the trail that leads to the bottom of the creek. 

When we arrived, Mr. Simon told us the dos and don’ts for the day.  “Don’t horseplay, be careful with the hooks, and stay between the bridges” were a few of his nuggets of wisdom.  He remained closeby for help and to make sure his students were safe and behaving, but most had experience and nobody misbehaved; they were just happy for the opportunity.

Around  9:30ish we started fishing and around 11:30 we ate burgers, kielbasa, and chips. At 1:15 we left to go back to school. 

Junior machinist, Tim Mulroy tells us, “As soon as I get my license every year, I pretty much fish every day.  Why not do it at school if I can?”  

It’s a great way to look at it, Tim — and, happily, 22 other students agree with your mindset!

Thank you to Mr. Simon for organizing the trip, and to the administration for supporting it!