Study -- Play -- and Train!

On Fridays in the hallways of Lawrence County CTC, you can often see a high school jersey or two on the shoulders of players who work hard throughout the week to balance practice and schoolwork. Spirit-wear adorns a cheerleader or two — complete with a cheer bow perched at the base of a ponytail. There are a few t-shirts with Hermes shoes and the double CC are word by those dedicated to running long distances. Musicians sport their treble clef notes in the colors of the school they used to call home. There are other sports represented, but I’m sure you get the drift.

These proud athletes, cheerleaders, and band members feel doubly blessed to pursue a career they enjoy while continuing to enjoy their home-school extra-curricular activities. It is in these fields and arenas where workplace-soft skills are developed and put into play — skills like communication and understanding of teamwork and diversity (and many more) are practiced, demonstrated, and lived every day both within the shop room, at work, and on the fields.

Here are our student-athletes and extra-curricular participants:

Carolyn McVicker