Postsecondary Plans in for the Class of 2023

When our students enter LCCTC, we see them — uncertain of where to go, excited to be there, relieved to see a few familiar faces. However, it doesn’t take long for them to settle in and get into the groove. They eventually learn that they are coming to the school to learn!

Yes — our kiddos have traditional courses like math, science, history, and math, and some even push themselves and take higher-level courses like college prep English or trigonometry or physics and chemistry; a few more really push themselves to take the dual-enrolment courses for algebra, history, and speech.

But LCCTC students aren’t really at our school to get the traditional experience; they are there to pursue a career and technical education! Some graduate and go straight into the workforce with a figurative “tool-belt” filled with skills that will help them in any industry or career. Others choose to serve our country in the military. Many extend their knowledge from the firm foundation of theory and hands-on skills they develop in their shops to pursue additional training and education in a post-secondary setting and others pursue a career in a completely different direction, and that’s okay, too. Regardless of their direction, when they make solid plans for the future, we celebrate it!

We encourage you to check out the posts below that show our graduates are going places:

Are you a Lawrence County CTC senior who has received an acceptance letter to any post-secondary training school, labor union, or college, who has committed to a branch in the United States service, or who has confirmed full-time employment upon graduation? Let us know! Please click here to complete this form.

Carolyn McVicker