An Unusual Experience: HA Seniors at AGH

Recently, senior students in the Health Assistant (Healthcare Occupations) program at the Lawrence County CTC took an unusual field trip.  

In their first year – much like students in a home-school setting might, HA students learn human traditional anatomy, with one unit being the cardiovascular system. However, once the lessons in anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology are discussed, they then put theory into practice as they learn to care for individuals with cardiac problems. They learn how to monitor an EKG, how to care for patients with heart failure, and how to provide services to individuals with hypertension, just to point out a few. 

In their second year of study, HA students continue to study a combination of theory and hands-on lessons to obtain their Certified Nursing Assistant, providing them the opportunity to become gainfully employed in healthcare settings. 

During their senior year, all students have the opportunity to take their education to a new level as they enroll in the EMT course delivered during the school day. One of the highlights of their senior year studies for both CNA and EMT programs is a field trip to the Allegheny General Hospital to observe an open heart surgery. From the glass ceiling gallery, students were able to observe as Cardiac Surgeons, Physician Assistants, Registered Nurses, Anesthesiologists, Nurse Anesthetists, Scrub Technicians, and Perfusionists performed a literal life-changing procedure on a complete stranger. 

“The heart surgery was an amazing experience to see. I learned about how they work together as a collective team to perform the surgery,” states, Valerie Kuny, a senior in the CNA program.

“We were able to apply some of our cardiovascular system lessons, along with an understanding of different healthcare careers and an understanding of the perioperative setting,” states Mr. Vince Pavia, Healthcare Occupations Instructor at LCCTC.

Of course, students may admit that, although it was long before their alarms would wake them on a normal school day, a favorite part of their day was a trip to Dunkin’ Donuts before heading to Pittsburgh or a lunchtime dining experience in the AGH cafeteria. However, most would claim that this was an excellent opportunity that allowed them to witness what actually occurs in the operating room and during post-operative treatments and to experience an in-depth understanding of human anatomy, an opportunity that is granted to few. 

“The heart surgery was so intriguing,” states Joy Hudspath, a senior in the EMT program. “It was an amazing experience getting to see the procedure firsthand. I learned so much about what tools they used and how in-depth you really have to be with the heart. This really helped me consider my future as a doctor even more.”

Carolyn McVickerComment