LIFT: A Message of Hope

The donuts may get their attention — perhaps like it got yours, which may be why you’re still reading this, but there’s something more that keeps them there and keeps them coming back.

This student-led group kicks off their year in September on the 4th Wednesday with See You At The Pole and continues to gather in the library every Friday morning for LIFT, otherwise known as LCCTC In Faith and Truth.

On this day, a senior student prepares and delivers the message, outlined, and with verses cued in the note section on her phone. She shares her thoughts with other like-minded students, and today’s topic is holiday stress.

The student speaker encourages her peers to slow down and enjoy the moments with family and friends and food and music. No matter what is going on in the world, she reminds them that there is a higher power they can turn to and, if needed, lean on — to remember that “His presence is their present.”

What follows is a moment open to the group for prayer requests and an offer for someone else to take over the act of prayer. Each year, someone different picks up the torch and finds the strength to take the lead; sometimes it’s a group of students.

One thing is for certain — for these students, LIFT offers them a message of hope and an understanding that they are not alone in their faith.

Carolyn McVickerComment